
Suntag computes the anticipated hours of sunshine for any Swiss location, factoring in the surrounding topography and the changing path of the sun throughout the year.

Moreover, Suntag offers valuable insights into average temperature, precipitations, noise levels (rail and road), public transportation options, and the accessibility of communication technologies such as coaxial and optical fiber, as well as 4G and 5G networks.

Suntag generates this information for any location in Switzerland in a few steps and puts it in a nice PDF format for you for only CHF 12.00. Simply click the 'Start' button!


As an illustration, here is the Standard Suntag Analysis for Switzerland's geographical center (Click on the icons to browse left/right or download the file):


User feedback

"Ich bin begeistert von Ihrem Dienst."

I am excited about your service.

- Hans Peter 05/12/2023

"Félicitations, très bon outil."

Congratulations, very good tool.

- Pierre 22/12/2023

"Sehr gute Darstellung, Danke."

Very good presentation, thank you.

- André 29/12/2023

"Wie immer nützliche Analyse- vielen Dank dafür."

As always, useful analysis - thank you for that.

- Daniel 05/01/2024

"Danke vielmals für diesen wunderbaren Service - Wir wüssten nicht was tun, wenn es Suntag nicht gäbe um Verschattungen aus der Topografie zu berechnen."

Thank you very much for this wonderful service - We wouldn't know what to do without Suntag to calculate shadows from the topography.

- Mladen 19/02/2024

"Perfekte Arbeit! Tolle App!"

Perfect work! Great app!

- Beatrice 06/03/2024

"Danke :-)"

Thanks :-)

- Thomas 06/05/2024

"Sehr aufschlussreiche Darstellung und Textinhalt - Danke!"

Very informative presentation and text content - Thank you!

- Jean-Pierre 26/06/2024

"Merci c'est très bien"

Thank you, it's very good.

- Vladimir 11/09/2024



- Karin 17/09/2024



- Nebih 07/10/2024

"Au top"


- E. 25/01/2025

"Toujours aussi rapide et efficace."

Still just as fast and efficient.

- Yvan 01/02/2025



We're looking forward to receiving your comments.